Page name: Sick of Posers [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-08-12 03:19:10
Last author: mwhisper
Owner: #9437
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This wiki is solely for people to blow off steam about all these goth/punk posers out there who seem to think that the more needles they can shove into their bodies, the better they are. Share your feelings, experiences, and ideas about this subject, even if you disagree.

-[angel of the shadows]
-[apple babble]
-[peace4all_monkey]meep meep! i like peircings but im not a poser!YAY ME!!(only like ears and belly buttons though)
-[Gabba Gabba Hey] wearing black and having peircings doesnt make u anything *cough cough* gothic
-[mwhisper] just cause people dress in black doesn't mean they are posers there just expressing there selfs cause i mean life cant always be about colorful rainbows and all the other stuff life is very depressing but how would you's people know cause yall dont know anything about us

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2004-07-10 [xxchromosomes]: teenagers today are so friggin stupid!!! there are so many teens out there that think that being gothic means you wear black...but there is so much more to it than that. if you don't know what something's best to keep your mouth shut unless asking questions.(byw, i'm a teen that is accused of being gothic or a poser. i am nothing of the kind. i'm simply dani and i would like to be able to go through high school without having to deal with posers...not that i can do anything about it)

2004-07-10 [#9437]: As I've said a million times before, I never understood why some of these people judge how great they are by how many needles they can stick in their body. It's like the more "punk" you are, the more you resemble a porcupine.

2004-07-10 [Moonaunie]: i think the posers r the ones that judge how gothic or punk u are and don't realize that the mask of reality isn't the only thing u should look at. It's the person behind the mask and by judging the mask ur not reallly judging the persona and it doesn't matter how gothic u loook or how punk u might seem to the world it's the person inside that's reallly gothic or really punk or watever... and i'm a teen and i'm not stupid as most stereoypical ppl seem to think every teen is... so posers are ones that not those who don't look beyond and understand but those who refuse to loook beyond reality mask that everyone wears but also judge that mask to be the person behind it.

2004-07-10 [#9437]: I know for a fact that not every teen is stupid. I don't even think many teens are stupid. I'm a teen myself. And I also won't say that posers are stupid. I just can't stand the way they CRAVE attention and pretend to be all rebellious when they've got no reason to rebel, when they have a family who loves them and provides them with what they need. Another thing i say that gets misinterprited often, i should make it clear that i DON'T BELIEVE ALL GOTHS AND PUNKS ARE POSERS! And I never ever point someone out specifically as a poser. But at least this way hopefully some of those posers will realize they are being posers and begin to be themselves.

2004-07-10 [Dumnorix]: Achtung. Scientific experiments have revealed that the abovementionned posers lack cerebral cortex. Their actions should therefore not be treated as intentionally annoying, but completely random... Let's get them, lads! Genocide! Huzza! Now seriously chaps, these halfwits are an insult to all self-respecting goths. Take no prisonners.

2004-07-12 [hallolizzie]: Personally, (no insult intended) i think there is no "goth", "punk", etc. Gothic and punk are NOT states of minds or lifestyles, they ARE fashions and styles of music. If you're very ARGH, dark, kill preps or're not goth. You just have a...somber... outlook on life. Same goes for punk. Just cuz you hate the government and don't care waht people think, you're not punk. You're an anarchist and an independent person. (Good for you) However: On the aspect of the whole “Oh I’m suicidal look at the cuts on my arm” yeah. I agree with you. Kill them. If they hurt so much they wouldn’t go around showing it off to everyone.

2004-07-12 [#9437]: That's so true.

2004-07-12 [hallolizzie]: Oh... and the only reason I said that is because it the text at the top of the page said it was ok. And you knwo if the text says it... it's gotta be kosher... Didn't say it to piss anyone off...

2004-07-12 [#9437]: To be completely and totally fair, the term "poser" wouldn't just apply to people who say they're goth and punk. I mean there are preppie posers and skater posers, Christian or religious posers, etc. The only reason they are a poser is because they call themselves one thing just to satisfy or get the attention of everyone around them, when in fact they are a completely different person and refuse to show it.

2004-07-12 [Dumnorix]: Mitochondria_Eve -- Although your modern interpretation of the term "goth" may to some seem rational, I must warn people that it is not correct. It IS a synonym of dark and tenebrous, as even centuries before, in literature it was (and still is) used to describe such ambiances, and in classical music to describe lugubrious/depressing/melancholic pieces (for instance, McBeth's Gothic Overture) And long before, in the late medieval times, goth was an architectural style whose uncanny stone construction would inspire the later movements. Therefore: Is it some dumb kids who dress in black who shall actually redefine the word "goth" and impose their interpretation of it, or perhaps, as...

2004-07-12 [Dumnorix]: (continues)...Etymology dictates, it would designate more of an essence and a state of mind? Obviously, to allow those silly posers to distort the English language would be appalling, and, therefore, I stand my ground in that Goth is, above all, a state of soul. The dumb kids may say whatever they want.

2004-07-12 [#9437]: ah, Von Moss and his eloquence. But despite your trying to teach, I actually learned something. I didn't really know all that. Interesting.

2004-07-12 [Dumnorix]: Thus spoke Von Moss, Ph.D in Gothism, professor at Oxford Goth University.

2004-07-12 [#9437]: If there WAS a gothism class, you would definitely be the one teaching it, wouldn't you?

2004-07-12 [Dumnorix]: Who said there wasn't?

2004-07-12 [#9437]: Well I'll be sure to major in your class as soon as i get accepted into Oxford.

2004-07-14 [Dumnorix]: In fact, I used to be Professor of Gothism at Oxford gothic University but have now moved on, and am working with the United Nations at the high commission of gothic affairs...

2004-07-22 [Dumnorix]: This place is dead, dead I tell you! Run to the hills!

2004-07-22 [#9437]: You're right. How should we get the word about this place out there?

2004-07-22 [Dumnorix]: Just make a huge link on your intro. That should do it.

2004-07-22 [#9437]: aha. i only have a regular sized link. how do you change the size of letters? i havent figured that out yet.

2004-07-22 [Dumnorix]: "Quite simple", says the professor as he removes his gothism-teacher's hat and puts on his HTML-teacher's hat. The problem is that if I write the codes, it merely makes my writing bigger without actually showing the codes... So go to the Wiki help page, and under Pseudo-HTML you will see them... Sorry!

2004-07-23 [#9437]: Aha! Done! Thanks a bunch.. hopefully now more people will get involved.

2004-07-29 [Dumnorix]: Guess again.

2004-07-29 [#9437]: Seriously. this sucks.

2004-07-29 [Dumnorix]: *puts up red neon sign: GET IT HERE! QUALITY GOTH-POSER CHICKS! And makes the wiki reek of perfume.* There. If they think it's a brothel, more people should come.

2004-07-30 [#9437]: haha...good point..if only we had a place to advertise.

2004-08-01 [--Movie Freak--]: um.....can i join please?

2004-08-01 [#9437]: absolutely. you don't have to ask!

2004-08-03 [#9437]: SICK OF POSERS now has a banner. I hope you guys will use it to get the word out there. (It's my own lame attempt at making a banner. If any of you would like to make one, also, it would be much appreciated)

2004-08-03 [Dumnorix]: I ain't putting THAT in my house!

2004-08-03 [#9437]: again, i am not talented. if you want to make a banner yourself, do it

2004-08-03 [Dumnorix]: I'll give it my best shot. And remember: Criticism ist gut!

2004-08-03 [#9437]: i agree. if you do make a banner, let me know. this banner is hopefully just a temporary one until something better comes along


2004-08-12 [f8cfaf3]: Can poser Anarchists be in there too?

2004-08-12 [Foamy]: My fukin cousin has this one pair of pants and one shirt that are black and from hot topic n she's all like "im goth cuz i wear the same fuckin clothes that are black n red everyday" ..i wish i could kill her

2004-08-12 [moopie.]: Oh, right on Alex!!!!

2004-08-12 [moopie.]: Ronald.. damn kid. He doesn't even know what anarchy is and it's all over his backpack... he calls it, "A" I had a mag. with an anarchy sign in it, he goes, "Aw sweet!! An A!!!" I mean, wtf?

2004-08-12 [#9437]: ANY posers of any type are included. Anyone who tries too hard to be something they're not and say that they are different because they are a certain's simply not true.

2004-08-12 [f8cfaf3]: Yay! my friend joined! well go to my house, copy and paste what I've written about what anarchism is and isn't onto word or something, print it out and give it to Ronald.

2004-08-12 [moopie.]: Hmmm.. haha, I should.

2004-08-12 [f8cfaf3]: Lol yeah you should, makes it alot easier on you.

2004-08-12 [moopie.]: Haha, man.. I'm gonna do that. See the smirk on his face.. that little fucktard.

2004-08-12 [f8cfaf3]: LMFAO! Yeah.. Wish I was there to see the smirk on his face.. lol! nice name you got for him there.

2004-08-12 [moopie.]: Ha, thanks.. he lives up to his name.. god, I really do hate that kid. He's going to be so pissed at me.. sweeeet.

2004-08-12 [f8cfaf3]: Haha, no prob.. Lol that's just annoying, I'd hate the kid too if I knew him. lol yeah.. very rad..

2004-08-12 [moopie.]: Yes.. I think everyone hates him, except everyone else that thinks putting the "A" as they call it everywhere all over themselves.. my god. lol

2004-08-16 [f8cfaf3]: Sleep, it's a bitch. Fluffy, is my bitch. But I'm sleeps bitch.. So does that make Fluffy Sleeps bitch by proxy?

2004-08-29 [Radagast]: arrr, FINALY! People who agree! Those stupid gits, my college is infested with them. All these kids who call themselves emo/goth/punk/retro arr! Its so boring and unoriginal. I mean the people who call themselves punks are so dumb, they are totaly contradicting the meaning of it! To be a punk is to me non conformist and they make it a bloody fashion! Can't people just be them selves!

2004-09-19 [Young J.C.]: "Unique people are all alike" What is the point of that? What about the people who claim to be themselves? Look at that, all those people who "claim" to be themselves! More then one person claims to be themself. So others who claims the same shit is just like the other person that does also. Which means, just about everyone is the same!

2004-09-20 [alu]: listen to my cusin [Young J.C.] im not going to be part of this Gay Ass wiki so kiss my lil white ass ...PREP can bite my ass b/c they suck im PUNK/GOTH and PROUD ppl are themselves thats why they call them punks goth ... we have to b/c u ppl give us a name which is POSERS if u want us to be ourselves then DONT call us POSERS so then we can be ourselves!!!!

2004-09-20 [penguincomrade]: Punk is dead.

2004-09-20 [Young J.C.]: Yes, I have said tht once before also in a different wiki.

2004-09-20 [penguincomrade]: I'm only sick of poser anarchists

2004-09-20 [Young J.C.]: Punk died in the '80's Most people are not even sure what anarchy is.

2004-09-24 [#9437]: No one said that dressing punk makes you a poser. It's the people who insist on giving themselves a specific label, "Punk" or "goth" or "skater" or "gangsta" or "thug" or anything else, and model themselves after their label, who are really "posers." A poser is someone who will follow a specific crowd, and people who call themselves "punks" are following the punk crowd.

2004-09-24 [Young J.C.]: It is Poseurs! Spell it right!

2004-10-14 [el-corko]: really? i always thought it was poser.... o_O

2004-10-14 [f8cfaf3]: actually if you go to and look it up.. both ways are correct..

2004-10-14 [Young J.C.]: No, I'm sorry. I would believe a dictionary over any teenage kid or anyone for that matter.

2004-10-14 [Young J.C.]: Did you read both difenitions for it?

2004-10-14 [f8cfaf3]: poseur, poser: a person who habitually pretends to be something he is not

2004-10-14 [Young J.C.]: What bout the other definition for poser? Someone who poses as a model!

2004-10-14 [f8cfaf3]: Yes, I saw, I have eyes just as well as you do. But it varies on how you use it. And in this case we're using it for a person who habitually pretends to be something he is not.

2004-10-14 [Young J.C.]: Honestly... go check in a dictionary! Merriam-Webster! I think I rather believe that over some commercial website.

2004-10-14 [f8cfaf3]: I check my really big Websters Dictionary, Thesarus and it has more than one meaning to it.. it says the same thing...n 1: a person who habitually pretends to be something he is not [syn: poseur] 2: a person who poses for a photographer or painter or sculptor; "the president didn't have time to be a model so the artist worked from photos" [syn: model] 3: a particularly difficult or baffling question or problem [syn: stumper, toughie, sticker]

2004-10-14 [Young J.C.]: how old is that dictionary?

2004-10-14 [f8cfaf3]: I don't know.. i've had it for years now.. I think i've had for 4 years..

2004-10-14 [Young J.C.]: Words manage to change a lot...

2004-10-14 [f8cfaf3]: Yes.. They do.. This Dictionary is a thesaurus as well..

2004-12-26 [peace4all_monkey]: hey! whats so wrong w/ going w/ your own trend... why be like everyone else? its sickening.. besides i dont have holes in my ears cause of everyone else i think it looks neat and i can wear weird stuff cause its my thing so whats wrong w/ that?

2004-12-28 [#9437]: there's nothing wrong with being yourself! ^.^ It's when you change yourself to get attention that you should start worrying about yourself.

2004-12-29 [peace4all_monkey]: unless u kinda fix ur hair up or somethin like that to impress somebody*shifts eyes*...^_^Just an example^_^*rubs head*

2004-12-29 [peace4all_monkey]: oh also id like to say that im going to get my button done cause i just like shiny things! im sorry but im addicted to shiny things...^o^ i have to admit.... i even have shiny santa wrapping paper taped to a wall from a present i got^_^*looks around*

2004-12-29 [#9437]: 1) There's nothing wrong with wanting to impress someone a little, as long as you don't let it affect the way you live your life. and getting a piercing or anything like that is not wrong. if YOU like it, YOU do it. as long as it doesn't cause anyone any pain.

2004-12-29 [peace4all_monkey]: yeah! Peircing ur button couldnt possibly hurt!

2004-12-29 [#9437]: well, anyone ELSE

2004-12-29 [#9437]: and to clarify: It's okay, as long as it doesn't cause you or others any pain that you or others don't want to experience.

2004-12-29 [#9437]: you should join the wiki

2004-12-29 [peace4all_monkey]: umkay...i suppose i will...except my friend[spongemonkey] said that ever since ive moved that im more poserish...(thats only cause i forgot to delete the goth in music yeah... im not a poser)^_^*huggles all non posers*

2005-01-03 [#9437]: lol well that's kind of drastic measures but i can understand how you feel completely.

2005-01-03 [peace4all_monkey]: mind me....i hate marengo 4 many other reasons than just psrs^_^...well actually just 1 other reason....^_^^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^!

2005-01-04 [#9437]: well that probably means you want me to ask...what reason is that?

2005-01-04 [peace4all_monkey]: we moved here and i miss my friends so bad!!!i really wanna go home but my parents cant afford 2 move out right now and i dont want 2 put them in debt...BUT IM GOING INSANE HERE!!!!!

2005-01-05 [#9437]: Just keep punching a pillow until you're able to move somewhere else. ^.^ It'll keep you sane.

2005-01-05 [peace4all_monkey]: thanx...ive been doing that.... but now im happy cause my bff just signed up on here and i havent seen her in a long time!!!O___^

2005-01-06 [#9437]: yay! that's what happened with me and my bff.

2005-01-06 [peace4all_monkey]: WOOHOO!!!chocolate i allowed to promote wiki's here?

2005-01-06 [#9437]: only if that wiki advertises us too.

2005-01-06 [peace4all_monkey]: OKAy!

2005-02-22 [3 Dreizig]: Hey I'm sick of posers....I'm surrounded by them...

2005-02-22 [a box full of sharp objects]: same here.

2005-03-09 [fungyew]: call the posers scruves

2005-03-10 [3 Dreizig]: Why scruves?

2005-03-11 [a box full of sharp objects]: ...?

2005-03-12 [MentalCase999]: Ur stupid

2005-03-13 [peace4all_monkey]: *wonders if suckapunch has a mental condition*

2005-03-15 [a box full of sharp objects]: who's stupid???? meee????

2005-03-17 [peace4all_monkey]: naw...prbly the scruves guy/

2005-03-18 [a box full of sharp objects]: ....huh??

2005-03-18 [3 Dreizig]: I'd just forget about it....^^'

2005-03-18 [a box full of sharp objects]: ...i have no idea what's going on!!!

2005-03-18 [peace4all_monkey]: do u like cheese?

2005-03-20 [3 Dreizig]: More like what kind of cheese? Haha

2005-03-21 [a box full of sharp objects]: mmmmm....cheese..

2005-03-22 [peace4all_monkey]: mm...chocolate in the shape of cheese^^

2005-03-22 [a box full of sharp objects]: that sounds good

2005-03-24 [3 Dreizig]: Definately...umm...

2005-03-24 [MadBiscuit]: "Unique people are all alike." ? That makes no sense.

2005-03-24 [3 Dreizig]: It's an oxymoron. (I think) People who often times say they are unique usually turn out to all be exactly alike. I think ^^'

2005-03-24 [MadBiscuit]: But...everyones unique, really.

2005-03-24 [peace4all_monkey]: i second that motion!!*confuses self*

2005-03-25 [MadBiscuit]: Yay, I'm winning a discussion for the first time in my life.

2005-03-26 [3 Dreizig]: Of course people are always unique. But the harder they often try to become more unique, they in fact become more exactly like someone else.

2005-03-26 [peace4all_monkey]: i also second that motion!!..hehe..confusingness

2005-03-26 [MadBiscuit]: Ok, now I'm very confused...*cries* And I was doing so well.

2005-03-27 [peace4all_monkey]: me too....what was that of which we spoke of?

2005-03-27 [MadBiscuit]: Don't ask me, I've completely lost it now.

2005-04-06 [sharpie3]: Well all i see in this wiki is a lot of people who have no room to talk.

2005-04-07 [peace4all_monkey]: whats that supposed 2 mean?? huh huh!!!! i bet your just another hipocrit!

2005-04-08 [3 Dreizig]: Possibilities fact, we might all be hypocrites under the mask of which we hide our true colors. Who knows? But we shouldn't stereotype anyone.

2005-04-09 [peace4all_monkey]: true...*apologises*....hope i spelled that right.........i just get ticked when ppl.....never mind^^

2005-04-11 [#9437]: Yes, to answer your earlier questions, it WAS an oxymoron. I was going for irony. I hope I succeeded. And as for those who are accusing people and bitching and yelling and it anymore and you're out of my wiki. This is a PASSIVE discussion wiki. Thank you.

2005-04-11 [3 Dreizig]: is everyone?

2005-04-11 [MadBiscuit]: I'm alright, but I have to go back to school tomorrow. You?

2005-04-12 [peace4all_monkey]: dont worry..*puppy face* wont happen again^^ more fighting!!

2005-04-12 [#9437]: thank you :)

2005-04-12 [3 Dreizig]: Not too is annoying...

2005-04-12 [MadBiscuit]: Yes, especially with my SATs in three weeks. Revision horror.

2005-04-12 [peace4all_monkey]: no problemo:)

2005-04-12 [3 Dreizig]: Oh God...I gotta take SAT's in June....*groan*

2005-04-13 [peace4all_monkey]: im glad i dont have to go through w/ that for ...*counts* yrs?im 13..7th grade^^

2005-04-13 [#9437]: I never took my SATs ::Blush:: so i dont know how smart I am. I found it easier just to give up on high school altogether and take my proficiency exam

2005-04-13 [MadBiscuit]: We have to take SATs in Year 3, then Year 6, then Year 9. Then we got mock GCSEs next year, and the real GCSEs the year after. Bloody exams.

2005-04-13 [3 Dreizig]: I know...SAT's this year...and god knows what else...research papers..

2005-04-14 [MadBiscuit]: I hate exams. Burn the papers.

2005-04-14 [3 Dreizig]: Exactly. So much for "determining our future."

2005-05-30 [spongemonkey]: I shove needles into my body. That doesn't make me a poser, does it? *worried*

2005-05-31 [3 Dreizig]: No, but a little strange. ^^' However, it makes or breaks you as a poser depending on WHY you do it. That reason may alter whether you are or not.

2005-05-31 [peace4all_monkey]: *gasp*..i gotta sunburn on my face from swimming 2 days in a row w/out sunscreen!!!

2005-05-31 [3 Dreizig]: Ouch ^^'

2005-05-31 [peace4all_monkey]: yah!!!...and to top it all off, my friend wants to go out w/ me and i dont like him that way...and...well i guess u can figure out the rest

2005-05-31 [#9437]: Sounds like your whole life just sucks.

2005-05-31 [3 Dreizig]: Not that bad ^^'

2005-05-31 [#9437]: I was being sarcastic. Obviously her life isn't bad at all if those are her main concerns.

2005-05-31 [#9437]: If you're complaining about getting too much exercise and people liking you, your life REALLY isn't that bad..hell, I wish I was able to complain about it.

2005-06-01 [peace4all_monkey]: im not really complainin...hes just sayin im evil....thats bout it...u should have seen my shes a complete lobster face!! and her forehead is sooo shiny!

2005-06-01 [MadBiscuit]: :-|

2005-08-19 [#9437]: (It's been like 3 1/2 months since the last post so I'm posting again.)

2005-08-19 [peace4all_monkey]: its been a LONG time since ive seen comments on here!

2005-08-19 [MadBiscuit]: Indeed.

2005-08-19 [peace4all_monkey]: we should start an army

2005-08-19 [3 Dreizig]: An army sounds good...but for what purpose should they assemble..?

2005-08-19 [peace4all_monkey]: the sake of cheese?

2005-08-19 [3 Dreizig]: Hah sounds like a good enough reason to me ^^ But...what KIND of cheese??

2005-08-21 [#9437]: Munster!

2005-08-21 [#9437]: For those who think a cheese army would be a good idea, you may want to check out a conversation a friend and I had a long time ago...

2005-08-21 [MadBiscuit]: Edam.

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